Health & Fitness

Be Like Beyonce! Learn The Top 10 Benefits of Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle


In early 2018, international music superstar Beyonce Knowles announced her decision to go vegan as she prepared for her performance at Coachella (2018), and invited fans to join her. This was Bey’s second time going vegan: She teamed up with husband Jay Z for a 22-day vegan challenge in 2013.

For a lot of people, a vegan diet doesn’t sound appetizing because that would mean giving up food types like meat, cheese, and eggs. However, according to research, a vegan diet could be better for your health and it may also save you money. You also gain the benefit of knowing that you’re being kinder to animals and the environment.

Now, we’re sure Beyonce would admit that making the switch to vegan wasn’t easy, but you might find it a little easier if you know more about the benefits.

It’s not necessary to make a complete change overnight. Make the change slowly over time. Document how you feel and then decide how you’d like to progress.

Advantages of Veganism:

1. Vegans enjoy better overall health. Studies show lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body weight, risk of heart disease, and risk of Type-2 diabetes.

2. Veganism is better for the environment. The resources necessary for meat production are significant. Far more water and land are required to provide one serving of beef than one serving of fruit, grains, or vegetables. Consider how much grain a cow or pig must consume to reach adult weight.

3. It’s kinder to animals. Animals raised for meat often live horrible lives, not to mention they’re all eventually killed before they die of natural causes. Even cows raised for milk production or chickens raised for eggs often endure unpleasant living conditions.

4. You decrease your psychological dependence on food. Vegans tend to be thin. One reason is the high-bulk and low calories found in many vegan foods. The other reason has to do with the lack of psychological satisfaction vegan foods provide. A bowl of beans isn’t quite as enticing as a bowl of ice cream, especially if you’re not hungry in the first place. Plus, vegans are much less likely to overeat.

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5. Disease prevention. Vegans enjoy lower incidence of breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, muscular degeneration, cataracts, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

6. Lower body weight. Vegan populations have lower body mass indices than those that consume meat regularly.

7. Longevity is increased. Those that avoid meat and milk products live longer than those that consume those food products. A vegan lifestyle can be a reliable way to ensure you spend a few more years living your life.

8. Migraine relief. Vegan’s report having fewer migraine headaches than non-vegans. Those that routinely suffer from migraine headaches can often find relief by adopting a vegan diet.

9. Fewer contaminants in food. Meat, milk, and eggs can potentially introduce unhealthy chemicals into the diet. Many herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals can concentrate in animal-based fat. The animals that provide these foods are often given growth hormones and antibiotics that can remain in the products you consume.

10. A vegan diet can be less costly. Meat and cheese tend to be expensive food items. Consider how inexpensive beans, rice, oatmeal, and many vegetables can be. That’s not to say a vegan can’t spend a lot of money at the grocery store, but the option to keep food costs to a minimum is there.

Becoming vegan requires dedication, planning, and sacrifice. Consider these advantages and decide if a vegan lifestyle is for you.

Start slowly and have a few vegan meals each week. Notice how you feel 2-4 hours after consuming them. This alone might be a good enough reason to make the switch.

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